
What does RPh stand?

What does RPh stand?

RpH stands for Registered Pharmacist, and is also a professional degree that is required before a person can become a practicing pharmacist.

What is DRx medical term?

The DRx full form is DRug eXpert . A Drug Expert, who can consult patients about drug therapy in an effective and safer way. RPh Stands for Registered Pharmacist. Pharmacists in india are currently engaged in quest to bring pharmacy professionals the respect and work environment they deserve.

What does MFR stand for?


Acronym Definition
MFR Manufacturer
MFR Memorandum For Record
MFR Rogue Valley International/Medford Airport (airport code; Medford, OR, USA)
MFR Maison Familiale Rurale (French: Rural Family House; educational association)

What degree is RPh?

The doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) designation is a professional doctorate degree in pharmacy that is earned over several years. The registered pharmacist designation (RPh) shows the individual has passed national and state board exams and granted a license to practice pharmacy.

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What does RPH mean on prescription bottle?

RPh stands for registered pharmacist, and a pharmacist earns the professional designation after passing national and state pharmacy board exams.

What is RN in chatting?

It simply reads, “It means Right Now.” The initialism gained even wider use with the rise of popular chatting and texting apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and direct messaging on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

What does MRF stand for?


Acronym Definition
MRF Material Request Form
MRF Minimum Residual Flow (water Industry, volume of water which must be left in a river)
MRF Metal Recovery Facility (US DOE)
MRF Marmarth Research Foundation

What is an RPh after your name?