
What does satisfactory mean on transcript?

What does satisfactory mean on transcript?

If you want to keep the letter grade, you will not have to do anything. Students may select to convert a letter grade of A, B, or C to a grade of S (satisfactory). Students may select to convert a final letter grade of D to a U (unsatisfactory).

What does satisfactory mean for grades?

S -​Satisfactory: Consistently meets expectations. A student who routinely meets grade level standards. Skills are applied independently or with minimal assistance. This level of achievement is developmentally appropriate. P -​Progressing: Progressing toward expectations.

What is a C at FSU?

Grading System

Definition Grade Quality Points Per Credit Hour
Average C+ 2.25
C 2.00
C– 1.75
Poor D+ 1.25

What does satisfactory and unsatisfactory mean?

A grade of S (satisfactory) will be awarded if you earn the equivalent of a letter grade of C- or higher. A grade of U (unsatisfactory) will be awarded if you earn the equivalent of a D+, D, D- or F. Grades of S and U are not factored into your grade point average.

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How does satisfactory and unsatisfactory affect GPA?

How does S/U grading impact GPAs? Grades of S and U do not impact the GPA. A grade of S will result in credit for the course, but it will not be used in the calculation of the GPA. A grade of U will reflect attempted credit that was not earned in the course, but it will not affect the GPA.

What does AF grade mean?

The F is considered separate as it denotes a failing grade, and does not need to go in alphabetical order. It just so happens that “fail” starts with a letter that skips one letter alphabetically on the scale.

Is a D+ passing at FSU?

If you choose to receive a letter-grade, a ‘D-‘ grade or better earns credit and is considered passing. If you choose the S/U grade option for all your courses this spring, your GPA will not change after grades post. Your cumulative GPA after Fall 2019 will be considered for all financial aid determinations.

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What is Dean’s List at FSU?

If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 3.5 GPA, you are eligible for the Dean’s list. If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 4.0 GPA, you are eligible for the President’s list.

What does less than satisfactory mean?

Adjective. Inadequate, substandard or, not satisfactory. less than ideal. less than optimal.

What do you mean by satisfactory?

adjective. giving or affording satisfaction; fulfilling all demands or requirements: a satisfactory solution.