
What does suffix sis mean in medical terms?

What does suffix sis mean in medical terms?

action or process
sis] Suffix meaning action or process.

Does SIS mean disease?

1. Deterministic models predict that susceptible-infective-susceptible (SIS) disease, where there is no immunity to reinfection following recovery, will become infinitely persistent in a host population.

What is the suffix for SIS?

-sis. a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it was used to form from verbs abstract nouns of action, process, state, condition, etc.: thesis; aphesis.

Is sis a suffix?

Other definitions for sis (2 of 2) a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it was used to form from verbs abstract nouns of action, process, state, condition, etc.: thesis; aphesis.

What does the suffix Tomy mean in medical terms?

The combining form -tomy used like a suffix has several meanings. In medical terms, it refers to “cutting,” usually in reference to the surgical incision into an organ but sometimes as part of the removal of an object from the body. Related to -tomy are the combining forms -tome, -tomous, and tomo-.

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What does Sis stand for in education?

The Student Information System (SIS) supports all aspects of a student’s educational experience and includes demographic data and information related to scheduling, attendance, discipline, health, grades, test results, and academic programs. SIS is a secure, web-based system accessible by staff, students, and parents.

Is suffix a medical term?

Medical terms always end with a suffix. The suffix usually indicates a specialty, test, procedure, function, condition/disorder, or status. For example, “itis” means inflammation and “ectomy” means removal. For example, apnea includes the prefix a- (without) and suffix -pnea (breathing).

What does the suffix OMA mean in medical?

-oma. A suffix meaning “tumor” or “cancer,” as in carcinoma. Often, the suffix is added to the name of the affected body part, as in lymphoma, cancer of the lymph tissue.