
What does the name Silas mean biblically?

What does the name Silas mean biblically?

In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Silas is: Of the forest. God of trees and forests. In the bible, Silas was a missionary companion of Paul and Timothy.

What is a nickname for Silas?

Less Common Nicknames for Silas: Cy. Cye. Sy. Sye.

When was Silas a popular name?

The name Silas was not that popular earlier. In fact, the name experienced massive popularity from 2004 onwards, and it also became the most popular boys’ name from 2016 to 2020.

What name goes with Silas?

These are all really strong double syllable options for a middle name that goes with Silas!

  • Silas Abbott {father} Silas Archer {bowman} Silas Arlow {literary name}
  • Silas Boden {hill} Silas Braden {wide valley}
  • Silas Duncan {dark warrior} Silas Dylan {son of the sea}
  • Silas Lander {territory} Silas Landon {long hill}
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What did Silas do in the Bible?

Silas was a bold missionary in the early church, a companion of the Apostle Paul, and a loyal servant of Jesus Christ. Silas accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys to the Gentiles and converted many to Christianity. He also may have served as a scribe, delivering Peter’s first letter to churches in Asia Minor.

Where do you find Silas in the Bible?

Silas is first mentioned in Acts 15:22, where he and Judas Barsabbas (known often as ‘Judas’) were selected by the church elders to return with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch following the Jerusalem Council. Silas and Judas are mentioned as being leaders among the brothers, prophets and encouraging speakers.

Where is the name Silas from?

Silas (name)

Pronunciation /ˈsaɪləs/
Gender Male
Word/name derived from Saul hebrew meaning = “the youngest” Transcription to Late Latin Silas, from Greek Σίλας Silas, from Aramaic
Region of origin Greek
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How old is the name Silas?

The name Silas was first adopted among English speakers by the Puritans in the 16th century (during the Protestant Reformation). It was their modest custom to bestow lesser-known Biblical names on their children as an act of humility before God.

What are Silas powers?

Silas was the most powerful immortal being and supernatural being in the series universe. Unlike the others, Silas had the ability to shapeshift into other people and had the mastery of creating illusions, making others see whatever he wants them to see.