
What does the word pleonasm meaning?

What does the word pleonasm meaning?

Definition of pleonasm 1 : the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in the man he said) : redundancy. 2 : an instance or example of pleonasm.

Why is pleonasm used?

Used accidentally, a pleonasm is just long-winded wordiness, like a sentence that includes far more words than is necessary. Used on purpose, pleonasm is a tool used by writers and speakers to emphasize something or clarify an idea through repetition. This helps audiences remember main ideas as they listen or read.

What is pleonasm in English literature?

A pleonasm is a literary term, literary tool, and literary device. Well, that was redundant! A pleonasm is when one uses too many words to express a message. A pleonasm can either be a mistake or a tool for emphasis. Pleonasm (pronounced ˈplē-ə-ˌna-zəm) is derived from the Greek phrase pleonasmos meaning “excessive.”

How do you use the word pleonasm?

Pleonasm in a Sentence 🔉

  1. His book was mostly pleonasm because half of it was filled with unnecessary wording.
  2. Instead of getting straight to the central idea, she used pleonasm because she thought more words made it better.
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What is a synonym for pleonasm?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pleonasm, like: verbosity, windiness, wordage, wordiness, excess, style, words, redundancy, verbiage, circumlocution and repetition.

How do you use pleonasm in a sentence?

What is the opposite of pleonasm?

Antonyms: brevity, compactness, compression, conciseness, condensation, directness, plainness, shortness, succinctness, terseness. Synonyms: circumlocution, diffuseness, periphrasis, prolixity, redundance, redundancy, surplusage, tautology, tediousness, verbiage, verbosity, wordiness.

What is the antonym of tautology?

What is the opposite of tautology?

conciseness directness
straightforwardness terseness

What is a synonym for Pleonasm?