
What does upside down tower card mean?

What does upside down tower card mean?

Although you may feel not very sure about where your path is heading, the Tower reversed indicates that there’s “nowhere to go but up.” This card position often feels like a hurricane just ran through your life, and now you are charged with the duty to clean it all up.

Why do I keep getting the Tower reversed?

The tower reversed can be a sign that you are afraid of change. Deep down, you likely realize the change is necessary. Do not attempt to pause or halt the process halfway, or else you might find yourself a prisoner of the tower, trapped in a perpetual struggle. Keep moving forward with your journey.

What does the Tower reversed mean in a love reading?

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Reversed Tower Tarot Love Meaning Change is never an easy thing to accept, but regardless of how much we resist it, it will come. If you see any problems in your relationship looming in the distance, this is your chance to deal with them now.

What does Judgement mean in tarot?

In a general context, the Judgement Tarot card can indicate that you and/or someone you care about are being judged too harshly by others. It can also indicate that you are judging people harshly or making snap judgements yourself. Judgement upright can represent a legal matter or court case being resolved.

What does the Tower card mean in tarot reading?

The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.The Tower / Meaning

Is the tower a bad card in Tarot?

Let’s be clear: There are no “bad” cards in the Tarot deck. Yep, I said it. Sure, there are not-so-great cards. So, while The Devil, The Tower, and Death continually get a bad rap, they provide the same purpose as any other card in the spread: to illuminate points of improvement.

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What does the tower mean in a tarot reading?

Symbolism. The Tower is sometimes interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation. In the Rider–Waite deck, the top of The Tower is a crown, which symbolizes materialistic thought being bought cheap.

What does the hermit mean in tarot?

The Hermit is the “withdrawal from events and relationship to introspect and gather strength”. Seeking the inner voice or calling upon vision from within. A need of understanding and advice, or a wise person who will offer knowing guidance. A card of personal experience and thoughtful temperance.

What card comes after the tower?

the Star card
“I love that the Star card comes after the Tower card [in a deck],” says Esselmont. “The Tower is a card of massive destruction and disruption, one where your world is crumbling in around you.

What does Judgement in reverse mean?

Reversed Judgement Meaning. The reversed Judgement card can mean that you doubt and judge yourself too harshly. This could be causing you to miss opportunities that were awaiting you. The lost momentum causes you to fall behind in your plans, which can make it difficult to move forward.

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What element is the Judgement card?

FireJudgement / Element
With Fire as its ruling element, Judgement is about rebirth and resurrection. The idea of Judgement Day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven.