
What does variant mean in chess?

What does variant mean in chess?

A chess variant is a game related to, derived from, or inspired by chess. Such variants can differ from chess in many different ways. Just as in traditional chess, chess variants can be played over-the-board, by correspondence, or by computer.

What is the best variant of chess?

Possibly the Best Chess Variant (

  • Revolution Chess is a new take on a traditional game made for the next generation of modern Chess thinkers and strategists.
  • Rules.
  • There 20 possible opening moves in Chess.
  • The setup of Revolution Chess provides ultimate protection for the King.

What is a variant ending in chess?

Crazyhouse is a variant which follows most of the normal rules of chess, except that captured pieces can be reintroduced to the board on your turn. The pieces move the same way that they do in traditional chess. Games can still end in the same way: checkmate, stalemate, and time-out.

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What are the three types of chess?

standard, blitz and bullet

  • Rapid or Quick: 10 to 60 minutes per player, sometimes with a small time increment per move (e.g. 10 seconds).
  • Blitz: 3 to 5 minutes per side.
  • Bullet: 2-3 minutes per side.
  • Lightning is a term used for either Blitz or Bullet chess, and is a general term for extremely fast chess.

What is super chess?

Monster chess—or Super King chess—is a chess variant in which the White side has only a king and four pawns to fight against all the pieces of the Black side. All the rules of chess apply, except that White makes two successive moves per turn. The goal for both sides is to checkmate the opponent’s king.

What is berserk chess?

Volker-Racho 8 months ago. You play with half the regular time, for example with 30 secs instead of 1 minute in bullet, but get more points if you win (3 instead of 2; 5 instead of 4 when on streak). You also relinquish the time increment.

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What is 10 minute chess called?

Bullet chess
Bullet chess is a variant of blitz chess. According to FIDE, blitz chess is anything that has 10 minutes or less per player.

Can Kings move twice?

Placement and movement A king can move one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), unless the square is already occupied by a friendly piece, or the move would place the king in check.