
What does Zuzu mean in Creole?

What does Zuzu mean in Creole?

Zuzu can also be used as a variation of the Creole word juju, which refers to a folklore system that uses magic charms like a mojos to create good luck (good juju) or bad luck (bad juju) for oneself or for another person.

What is Coco Santi?

Company Description: COCO SANTI is located in GIARRE, CATANIA, Italy and is part of the Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services Industry. COCO SANTI has 1 employees at this location and generates $87,612 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the COCO SANTI corporate family.

What does get Momo mean?

“Idiot or irritating person” is the most common definition for MOMO on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. MOMO. Definition: Idiot or irritating person.

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What does macak mean in Creole?

English Translation. monkey.

What is meld in Creole?

meld – blend; combine.

What’s mumu mean?

The definition of a mumu, often spelled muumuu, is a loose, flowy dress worn by Hawaiian women. An example of a mumu is a long, brightly-printed, loose dress. noun.

What does Soumoun mean in Creole?

SOU MOUN: This is a common slang phrase in Haitian Creole that means “wannabe” or “obsessed with the options of others.” In some context it just means “annoying.” For example, someone who is always interrupting the conversations of others or giving their opinions when not requested.

What is makak?

Noun. makak m (plural makakken, diminutive makakje n ) (Belgium, derogatory) someone of Moroccan or Maghreb origin.

What is it called when you insult someone in Haiti?

In haitian creole, insulting someone is called “joure”. In this article, I’m going to share several swear words and curse words that you can insult (“joure”) other people with them in haitian creole.

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Is it OK to curse in Creole?

So the “bad words” and from explicit lyric rap music very often become the Haitian “bad words” too. Please used this vocabulary with caution. Now that you know how to curse in Creole – we don’t recommend anyone using these Haitian swear words, except in friendly situations with your baz (gang or homeboys).

What is the swear word for vagina in Creole?

“Koko” and “Bobot” are the Creole swear words for vagina. How do you say “fuck you” in Creole? How do you say “fuck” in Creole? “Mèd” is a Haitian Creole phrase that means “fuck you.” The common Creole spelling is “fòk ou” but it sounds very similar to the English.

How do you say Dirty in Creole?

If you want to say “dirty” in haitian creole, you have to use the word “sal”. How to say pussy in creole? If you want to say “pussy” or “vagina” in creole, you have to say the word “koko”. What does coco santi mean?