
What enzyme is in hemoglobin?

What enzyme is in hemoglobin?

An obvious exception is the cytochrome P-450 system that is found in virtually all other tissues. In vitro studies, however, have shown that hemoglobin can be a broad monooxygenase catalyst, exhibiting the properties of a monooxygenase enzyme.

What is the chemical used to react with hemoglobin?

Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin at any or all of the oxygen-binding sites of hemoglobin, and also acts to increase the stability of the bond between hemoglobin and oxygen, reducing the ability of the hemoglobin molecule to release oxygen bound to other oxygen-binding sites.

What are the products of hemoglobin?

The products of hemoglobin breakdown are iron, bilirubin, and amino acids.

What is the formula of blood?

There is no formula for blood, as it is a chemical mixture and not a chemical compound. It is made up of hemoglobin and plasma.

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Is hemoglobin A catalase?

Catalase, which like haemoglobin is a haematin- protein complex, is found principally in the red- blood cells and liver cells and is produced in the marrow and liver cells (Theorell, 1951). Its presence in plasma is probably due to haemolysis (Perlmann & Lipmann, 1947).

What is the chemical formula for luminol?


What is luminol composed of?

The “central” chemical in this reaction is luminol (C8H7O3N3), a powdery compound made up of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Criminalists mix the luminol powder with a liquid containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a hydroxide (OH-) and other chemicals, and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.

What is the end product of Haemoglobin?

bilirubin, a brownish yellow pigment of bile, secreted by the liver in vertebrates, which gives to solid waste products (feces) their characteristic colour. It is produced in bone marrow cells and in the liver as the end product of red-blood-cell (hemoglobin) breakdown.