
What firearms are legal for hunting in Washington?

What firearms are legal for hunting in Washington?

Modern Firearm Regulations

  • Rifles: Big game, except cougar, must be hunted with a minimum of .
  • Handguns: Big game, except cougar, may be hunted with handguns with a minimum barrel length of 4 inches per manufacturer’s specification, and fire a minimum .
  • Shotguns:
  • Crossbows:

What is the best caliber for hunting out west?

5 of the Best Cartridges for Hunting Western Big Game

  • 6.5 Creedmoor. The author’s daughter Cheyenne, with a once-in-many-lifetimes buck she harvested with her 6.5 Creedmoor.
  • 2. . 280 Ackley Improved.
  • 7mm Remington Magnum.
  • 4. .
  • 5. .300 Winchester Magnum.

What are the 10 best hunting rifles?

Here’s a look at 10 of the best guns under a $1,000.

  1. Browning X-Bolt.
  2. Bergara B-14 Wilderness Ridge.
  3. Weatherby Vanguard.
  4. Kimber Hunter.
  5. Marlin Dark Series.
  6. Tikka T3x.
  7. Savage 110.
  8. Ruger American Rifle.

Can you hunt with an AR in Washington state?

Hunting With 6.8SPC Ammo The 6.8SPC caliber cartridge originally designed for the military has 80\% of the power of a . 308 and 50\% of the recoil. It’s a great choice for most of the mid-size to larger game in the United States.

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Can you hunt with an AR 10 in Washington state?

The AR-10 and the . 308 are legal, but the AR-10 is a heavy gun. The AR-15 in 6.8 SPC is plenty for deer-sized game.

Can you hunt with a semi automatic rifle in Washington?

Centerfire rifles used to hunt big game (except cougar) in Washington must be a minimum of . 24. All fully automatic firearms are illegal for hunting.

What caliber rifle is good for deer hunting?

Best Caliber for Deer Hunting

  • 204 Ruger.
  • 222 Remington.
  • 223 Remington.
  • 243 Winchester.
  • 244/6mm Remington.
  • 257 Roberts.
  • 25-06 Remington.
  • 6.5 Grendel.

Can you hunt deer with a 5.56 in Washington?

. 223 and 5.56 are both . 224 caliber and not legal for big game. “Big game, except cougar, must be hunted with a minimum of 24 caliber (6mm) centerfire rifle.