
What gaming mouse has the lowest input delay?

What gaming mouse has the lowest input delay?

The key to gaming is having the lowest latency possible, and that starts with having a mouse with low click latency….Test results.

Product Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro
Click Latency 9.0
Click Latency Click Latency: Receiver 5 ms
Click Latency Click Latency: Bluetooth 19 ms
Click Latency Click Latency: Wired 6 ms

What is a good mouse input lag?

This can mean a 1ms – 8ms delay in input getting from the motion of the mouse to the computer. Most gamers use halfway decent mice these days, so we can expect that latency is more like 2ms to 4ms for most wired USB mouse users and 1ms for gamers with higher end mice.

What mouse has the lowest response time?

The new XM1 mouse uses a patented algorithm to achieve a sub-1ms response time. Any old mouse will do when you’re playing a game like Thimbleweed Park, but for first-person shooters and esports titles, specs matter.

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Is 7ms input lag good?

7ms is a relatively high latency compared to most monitors, but whether it matters or not is dependent on what you’re using the computer for. If you’re just editing word documents, 7ms is fine, but if you’re playing twitch shooters where reaction time is key, then the 7ms may be noticeable.

Does wireless mouse have input lag?

Most wireless mice on the market will have around 8–16 ms of lag. This comes from the typical 125 Hz USB polling rate plus the encoding, transmission and decoding of the wireless signal.

Is 7 ms fast?

Is 144Hz 3ms good?

If you’re gaming, a good response time (and input lag time) is important, normally go for a 1-3ms response time on a standard 60hz monitor for gaming, if you’re buying a IPS display, then it’s pretty normal to only get 5-7ms, which isn’t too bad either.

Do wireless gaming mouses delay?

Most wireless mice on the market will have around 8–16 ms of lag. This comes from the typical 125 Hz USB polling rate plus the encoding, transmission and decoding of the wireless signal. Some wireless gaming mice will have changeable USB polling rates.