
What happened to soldiers who refused to go over the top?

What happened to soldiers who refused to go over the top?

Yet it was rare that men disobeyed the order to attack: most First World War troops were generally compliant. Punishments for disobeying orders could be severe, and men who were convicted of ‘cowardice in the face of the enemy’ or desertion from their unit could receive the death sentence.

Did they stop fighting for Christmas?

On Christmas Eve 1914, in the dank, muddy trenches on the Western Front of the first world war, a remarkable thing happened. It came to be called the Christmas Truce. And it remains one of the most storied and strangest moments of the Great War—or of any war in history.

How far across was no man’s land?

about 250 yards
The width of No Man’s Land often varies, but the average distance in most areas was about 250 yards (230 meters). Along No Man’s Land were considerable amounts of barbed wire, especially in the areas most likely to be attacked.

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How was WWI different from previously fought wars?

There were multiple things that caused the outbreak of the first World War. 2) How did the First World War differ from previous wars? The First World War differ from previous wars because its reliance on advanced industrial technology and the elaborate economic and political organization of belligerent nations.

Why did Allied leaders reject many of President Wilson’s ideas?

Why did Allied leaders reject many of President Wilson’s ideas at the Paris Peace Conference? They feared that it could lead the United States into war without the consent of Congress. It was the final Allied offensive that forced the Germans to agree to the armistice.

Did the 1914 Christmas truce happen?

The Christmas Truce occurred on and around Christmas Day 1914, when the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front during World War I in favor of holiday celebrations.