
What happens if a soldier is injured?

What happens if a soldier is injured?

The general rule is that the Army will not compensate Soldiers for an injury or illness sustained outside of military service. The bottom line is, a Soldier’s benefits will be decided by whether the Soldier’s injury or illness was incurred while performing military duties.

What do you call an injured soldier?

A casualty, as a term in military usage, is a person in military service, combatant or non-combatant, who becomes unavailable for duty due to any of several circumstances, including death, injury, illness, capture or desertion.

What does TC 4-02.1 Cover?

Training Circular (TC) 4-02.1, “First Aid,” provides first aid techniques and guidance for Soldiers. Implementation of the techniques presented in this publication enable Soldiers to render first aid and prevent greater harm to injured Soldiers.

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What is Army first aid?

First aid class, one of 12 graduation requirements for basic combat training, is completed by trainees during Red Phase. During this three-day course, trainees are taught basic knowledge of hemorrhage control, tourniquet use, wound care, self-aid, buddy aid and casualty evaluation.

How much were soldiers paid in the Civil War?


Confederate Union
Major $150.00 $169.00
Lieutenant Colonel $170.00 $181.00
Colonel $195.00 $212.00
Brigadier General $301.00 $315.00

How are Army Casualty treated?

When treating a casualty, you must identify and treat the most serious condition first. In general, you must make sure that the casualty is breathing, then control any major bleeding, and then take measures to control shock. During the evaluating or treating process, you should seek medical aid as soon as possible.

What does TC cover in first aid?

12 Cards in this Set

What TC covers first aid TC 4- 02.1
Whose first aid dressing should be used on the casualty Use the casualty’s bandage
What does the acronym TCCC stand for Tactical combat casualty care
What are the phases of tccc Care Under Fire, tactical field care and combat casualty evacuation care
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Do soldiers carry first aid?

With medical training somewhere between basic and combat medic, these nonmedical soldiers’ second mission (after combat) is to offer lifesaving aid. That soldier is equipped with a Combat Lifesaver Bag, which is more extensive than the IFAK each soldier carries.

What medical supplies does a soldier carry?

Individual first aid kits (IFAK)

  • PPE (gloves, mask, eye protection)
  • Small pocket mask, NPA, OPA.
  • Trauma scissors.
  • 1 or 2 tourniquets (SWAT-T, CAT)
  • Chest decompression kit.
  • 2-3 trauma dressings (Israeli type)
  • 4-6 hemostatic dressings.
  • 2-3 open chest seal (Bolin, Hyfin, Asherman)