
What happens if I switch SIM cards between iphones?

What happens if I switch SIM cards between iphones?

Answer: A: If you change it for a SIM from the same carrier, nothing happens, the device continues working as before. If you change it for a SIM from another carrier and the phone is locked to the original, then it will work as a fancy iPod, none of the phone capabilities will be available.

Do you lose photos when switching SIM cards?

Please be assured that you won’t lose any data stored or apps installed on your device if you change your SIM card. Apps, pictures, and videos are stored on your phone’s memory (internal or memory card) and will not be deleted if the SIM card is removed.

Does SIM card hold photos?

Since you have the SIM card in the phone, any calls or texts will show your phone number and that it is coming from you. It does not matter if you are using an Android or Apple (AAPL) – Get Apple Inc. Report phone. Photos are not stored on SIM cards, so make sure they are backed up.

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Does the SIM card hold photos on iPhone?

Luckily, doing so is easy. Important: Your iPhone’s SIM card only holds your phone number and some account information. Your photos, apps, emails, and settings are stored on the iPhone itself, and will need to be transferred separately.

Are photos stored on iPhone?

Your photos and videos are stored on your device in their original, high-resolution version. This means that they use a lot of space on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With iCloud Photos, you can make more space available on your device and have your entire collection, everywhere you go.

Can I Move my sim card from one phone to another?

Answer: A: You can move your sim and use the phone as you use your phone. But the sim does not contain the data stored on your phone, so none of your contacts, apps, accounts etc., will transfer because you put the sim in. Make sure you backup your current phone.

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Can I transfer contacts from an old iPhone to an iPhone?

iPhone doesn’t store contacts on the SIM card. If you want to transfer contacts between iPhones, you can use iCloud to backup or transfer content between devices. If your iPhone isn’t using the SIM from your old phone: Make sure that the SIM card from your previous phone can fit into your iPhone.

How do I transfer data from one phone to another?

Turn on your old phone–the one that you’re transferring the data from. Select the first contact or phone number that you wish to save. Repeat Step 2 with all desired contacts. Turn off your old phone, remove the battery cover and the battery and slide the SIM card out of its slot.

What happens to data in SIM card when switching phones?

After buying a new phone, you need to transfer everything on the old phone to the new one, including the data in SIM card. Sometimes you may find the files in your SIM card lost when switching it to the new smartphone.