
What happens if wrong information is given in RTI?

What happens if wrong information is given in RTI?

“Any Information Officer who wilfully provides wrong or misleading information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act to any application, can be penalised Rs 25,000 by the Commissioner, plus disciplinary action can be recommended against him,” former CIC Shailesh Gandhi.

What if RTI reply is not satisfactory?

If the applicant is not satisfied with the response of RTI appeal, then the applicant can either file a RTI appeal or file a Section 18 complaint or go for a second appeal.

What is remedy if information under RTI is not given?

Complaint can be filed immediately if CPIO of Public Authority refuses to accept RTI Application as per RTI Act 2005. After receipt of reply to RTI application or thirty days after filing of RTI application and if no reply received.

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What is the punishment for non production of information under RTI Act?

the Information Commission can impose a penalty of Rs 250 per day. The total penalty cannot exceed Rs 25,000.

What are the duties of Cpio?

Role of CPIO/SPIO: The role of both the functionaries is to provide the reply to/take decision on the online/offline RTI Application filed by the citizen. While taking a decision on the RTI application, the CPIO/SPIO may: Decide to provide the information. Transfer the RTI Application.

Who imposes penalty on central public information officer?

the Central/State Information Commission
Under the RTI Act, the Central/State Information Commission (“CIC/SIC”) has the power to impose personal penalty[1] on the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), in case, the CPIO: Without reasonable cause refused to receive the RTI application.

What is Cpio IN RTI?

Appointment of Center Public Information Officers(CPIO) and first Appellate Authorities(FAAs) under the RTI Act, 2005 ref.

What penalties can be imposed on Cpios and Spios on failure to provide information?

The amount of penalty shall be Rs. 250.00 per day, till the information is furnished or the application is received, subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000.00. The penalty has to be paid by the PIO from his salary and not by the Public Authority.