
What happens if you fail a WGU assessment?

What happens if you fail a WGU assessment?

Students who fail an attempt on an assessment must wait at least 14 days before retaking the same assessment. If the appeal for an additional attempt is denied, the student will have to either change to a WGU degree program that does not contain that assessment or seek educational opportunities outside of WGU.

Are WGU assessments proctored?

Proctored final exams are required for most courses. During a proctoring session, the student’s identification is authenticated, and the student and exam environment are monitored.

How many times can you fail a WGU exam?

WGU Academy policy allows students to attempt any assessment, other than the final exam, up to three (3) times. Assignments may also be attempted three (3) times. Your final exam may be attempted two (2) times. The highest score of any attempt is applied as the grade for the exam or the assignment in the course.

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How many times can I submit a task at WGU?

Submissions: You have up to three (3) attempts for each assignment.

What is a performance assessment at WGU?

Assessments are at the heart of your WGU program. Proving what you know is how you demonstrate your mastery of the course competencies, pass courses, move through your program, and earn your degree. And it’s not meant to be easy.

Can you test out of a course at WGU?

There is no “testing out” of any exam at WGU. Basically, once you pass a pre-assessment, you can then schedule the actual exam, and you can do that without cracking open a single book. This applies to both general ed classes, and 3rd party vendor certification exams.

Do employers respect WGU?

Many employers are happy with the performance of WGU graduates. Some students hesitate to study online for fear that the resulting degrees will not be respected by employers. Employers will respect online degrees if they are earned from accredited online schools, and Western Governors University is one of them.