
What happens if you look up porn on a school Chromebook?

What happens if you look up porn on a school Chromebook?

If you were viewing adult pornography, you may be subject to school discipline. If you were viewing child pornography, you could be charged by a delinquency petition.

Are you allowed to watch porn on university WIFI?

“As such, the University treats internet access via either wired or wireless connections in the same way a home broadband connection would be, and does not block any websites of any type.” So no need to worry. As far as you’re concerned your porn-watching habits at uni can remain the same as they are at home.

Can my school see my search history if it’s my device on my Wi-Fi but my school Google account?

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They can only see the history of account in THEIR DOMAIN. That means that as long as you’re using a gmail account or any other account, your teachers CANNOT see your history. Whenever you connect to Wi-Fi on campus, from any device, your school knows which websites you’ve visited.

Do universities look at your search history?

So can colleges see your search history? Colleges can not see your search history if you are not their student. Most colleges don’t look at your history even if you are a student. However, it is possible for some colleges to have access to your search history if you are using their computer or WIFI.

Do universities track search history?

Yes, they can. Colleges, schools, and offices provide a laptop for you, but they install a lot of software. Some of the software tracks your laptop, tracks your browser history, app history, and whatever else you do with your laptop.

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Can colleges track your search history?

Colleges have no way to access your search history during the application process. They don’t have any access to your computer, laptop, or phone and you aren’t using their wifi. They can’t access your search history nor do they want to. Colleges don’t care about what you search on your own time.

Do colleges look at search history?