
What happens to my term life insurance when it expires?

What happens to my term life insurance when it expires?

If you outlive your term policy, your policy will end, and you will no longer have coverage. If you still want life insurance after your term policy ends, you may have the option to buy a new life insurance policy or consider a term conversion policy.

Which of the following is true regarding elimination period in the cost of coverage?

Which of the following is true regarding elimination periods and cost of coverage? The longer the elimination period, the lower the cost of coverage. – the elimination period is a period of days which must expire after onset of an illness or occurrence of an accident before benefits will be payable.

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What is the underlying concept regarding level premiums?

Level-premium insurance is a type of term life insurance. With this type of coverage, premiums are guaranteed to remain the same throughout the contract, while the amount of coverage provided increases.

What is the purpose of a disability income benefit?

Disability income insurance is a supplemental policy designed to protect policyholders if they are unable to work due to an illness or accident. Disability income benefits offer a monthly income so the policyholder can cover regular expenses while he or she is unable to work.

What is the purpose of the elimination period in disability income policies?

An elimination period is the amount of time an insurance policyholder must wait between when an illness or disability begins and when they can begin receiving their benefits.

What is level benefit term life?

Level term life insurance is a policy that has a level death benefit the entire time you own it. Your beneficiaries will get paid the same amount regardless of whether you die in the third year or 23rd year of your 30-year policy.

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Which of the following policies has a level face amount with level premiums?

Which of the following policies has a level face amount with level premiums? Level premium term, also called level premium level term, has a level face amount and level premiums. Premiums tend to be higher than annual renewable term because they are level throughout the policy period.