
What happens to warm air when it cools?

What happens to warm air when it cools?

What happens when air is heated or cooled? So air, like most other substances, expands when heated and contracts when cooled. Because there is more space between the molecules, the air is less dense than the surrounding matter and the hot air floats upward. This is the concept used in the hot air balloons.

Which direction does the warm air move towards as it rises?

In the tropics, near the equator, warm air rises. When it gets about 10-15 km (6-9 miles) above the Earth surface it starts to flow away from the equator and towards the poles. Air that rose just north of the equator flows north. Air that rose just south of the equator flows south.

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Does warm air move to cold?

Cold air flows downward according to hot air because it is more dense and sinks while hot air rises. In hot room the air will be much thinner thus reducing the pressure so the air flows from cold room to hot rooms.

Why does the warm air move upward?

Hot air rises because gases expand as they heat up. When air heats up and expands, its density also decreases. The warmer, less dense air effectively floats on top of the colder, denser air below it. This creates a buoyant force that causes the warmer air to rise.

How does warm air reacts towards warm front?

Warm fronts often bring stormy weather as the warm air mass at the surface rises above the cool air mass, making clouds and storms. These clouds form in the warm air that is high above the cool air. As the front passes over an area, the clouds become lower, and rain is likely.

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What is warm air?

Warm Front transition zone from cold air to warm air. A warm front is defined as the transition zone where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass. Warm fronts generally move from southwest to northeast and the air behind a warm front is warmer and more moist than the air ahead of it.

Does cool air push warm air upward?

When a warm air mass meets a cold air mass, the warm air rises since it is lighter. At high altitude it cools, and the water vapor it contains condenses. On the other hand, when a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass, the cold air slides under the warm air and pushes it upward.

What is the main factor that affects the upward motion of warm air?

What is the main factor that affects the upward motion of warm air? Warm air rises when it’s surrounded by cold air because of its lower density. Yes, that’s due to heat, but density is the main factor causing the movement here.

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Where does hot air go in house?

Hot air is lighter than cold air, so it rises; this is why the upper areas of your home are warmer than your basement. During winter, your furnace produces warm air that rises into the attic and escapes through air leaks and cracks in the upper parts of your home.

What happens after a warm front?

After the warm front passes conditions completely reverse. The atmospheric pressure rises slightly before falling. The temperatures are warmer then they level off. The winds in the northern hemisphere blow south-southwest in the northern hemisphere and north-northwest in the southern hemisphere.