
What happens when alkene reacts with HOCl?

What happens when alkene reacts with HOCl?

According to markovnikov’s rule, if we add any polar compound to asymmetric alkene the negative part of additive reagent (in this case we have OH as negative part and Cl as positive part and HOCl as additive reagent) goes to the carbon having less number of hydrogen (in this case the second C in CH3-CH=CH2).

What does HCl do to alkenes?

In a reaction with a polar molecule such as hydrogen chloride (HCl), for example, the π bond of an alkene reacts as a nucleophile. Thus, the partially positively charged hydrogen atom of HCl acts as an electrophile protonating the double bond of the alkene.

Why is HF weaker than other hydrogen halides?

Because fluorine is the most electronegative of all the elements, the fluorine-hydrogen bond is highly polarized. The other hydrogen halides do not form hydrogen bonds because the larger halogens are not as electronegative as fluorine; therefore, the bonds are less polar.

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What does HOCl?

HOCl attacks invading pathogens, breaking down the cell walls before destroying unhealthy invaders. The antimicrobial acid is lethally effective in carrying out its protective mission.

Why is HOCl an electrophile?

The Cl + ion of HOCl serves as an electrophilic species; it polarises the double bond and is added to one of the carbon atoms. The other carbon atom then bears a positive charge (carbenium ion) and the unsaturated nature of the bond is lost.

What is the addition reaction of alkenes?

The most common type of reaction for alkene is the addition reaction to C=C double bond. In addition reaction, a small molecule is added to multiple bond and one π bond is converted to two σ bonds (unsaturation degree decreases) as a result of addition. Addition reaction is the opposite process to elimination.

Which is strongest acid among the hydrogen halide?

The electronegativity difference is the maximum in HF as fluorine is the most electronegative halogen. Therefore, the percent ionic character in HF should have been the maximum thereby should have been the strongest halogen acid.

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Which is the weakest acid of the hydrogen halide?

HF is a weaker acid than HCl, HBr and HI. HF is liquid while HCl is HBr and HI gases.

Why is hydrofluoric acid a weak acid?

Why Hydrofluoric Acid Is a Weak Acid Because the hydroxonium ion is attached to the fluoride ion, it isn’t free to function as an acid, thus limiting the strength of HF in water. The FHF- bifluoride anion is stabilized by a strong hydrogen bond between hydrogen and fluorine.