
What happens when you squeeze a wet sponge?

What happens when you squeeze a wet sponge?

The sponge is actually made up of a mixture of solid and gas. When you squeeze it, the solid part changes it shape, but stays the same size. The gas in the holes gets smaller, so the entire sponge takes up less space. Look at other objects that are compressible, but seem to be solid.

When you squeeze each of the materials what comes out of it?

When the material is squeezed, the fluid fills these pores so that the combined solid and fluid volume is reduced. The solid itself, though, expands in size.

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Why is it easier to wipe up dirt with a wet sponge than a dry sponge?

Water molecules are attracted to each other more than they’re attracted to anything else—in this case, the sponge material. So when you press a moist sponge against a spill, the water moves faster to bind with the existing liquid than it would move to a dry sponge.

Why do you squeeze out the sponge?

When you’re done washing dishes or wiping down surfaces with your kitchen sponge, be sure to wring it out completely. A wrung-out sponge will dry quicker than a sopping wet one, and a drier sponge equals a cleaner sponge.

What happens when you put a sponge in water?

When you put a sponge in water, it absorbs it. This happens because the bubble like spaces inside the sponge have the ability to hold water and the sponge material locks it in. Water won’t be released until someone forces it out through squeezing or it could be allowed to dry out over time.

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What happened the sponge before adding water?

6. Help a plant stay hydrated. Place a sponge in the bottom of a planter before adding water. The sponge will act as a water reserve and keep soil moist longer.

What happened to the sponge after pressing?

When we press the sponge, the air in the spaces is expelled out from the sponge. Therefore, the sponge can be compressed. The state of the sponge changes from the filled with the air to the no air form.

Why should you put a sponge in your fridge?

Fridge smelling a little funky? Sprinkle a damp sponge with baking soda and place on a refrigerator shelf (away from any food). The baking soda and sponge work together to absorb foul odors. This is only one way to banish kitchen odors—here are the rest.

Are you supposed to squeeze out the sponge?

You don’t squeeze it out. When you’re done washing dishes or wiping down surfaces with your kitchen sponge, be sure to wring it out completely. A wrung-out sponge will dry quicker than a sopping wet one, and a drier sponge equals a cleaner sponge.

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Why you shouldn’t leave a sponge in the sink?

Letting your sponge lay wet on a countertop takes longer for it to dry and allows bacteria to grow. Also, avoid leaving any damp sponges in an enclosed area such as a bucket or under the sink. Be sure to launder dishcloths frequently as they can harbor enough harmful bacteria to make you sick.

Why does a sponge absorb water?

Why do sponges absorb water? Sponges are made of loose fibers with lots of space between them. The holes between the sponge fibers absorb the water, and so the sponge material swells up with water. A damp sponge will absorb more water than a dry sponge as water molecules are highly attracted to one another.