
What Hogwarts houses would Game of Thrones characters be in?

What Hogwarts houses would Game of Thrones characters be in?

Game Of Thrones Families Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

  • 10 House Stark – Gryffindor.
  • 9 House Targaryen – Slytherin.
  • 8 House Baratheon – Hufflepuff.
  • 7 House Tyrell – Ravenclaw.
  • 6 House Mormont – Gryffindor.
  • 5 House Lannister – Slytherin.
  • 4 House Martell – Hufflepuff.
  • 3 Bronn’s House – Ravenclaw.

Is Margaery Tyrell a Slytherin?

11. Margaery Tyrell — Slytherin. While she has her grandmother’s Ravenclaw-like perception and adaptability, Margaery’s commitment to gaining power makes her a Slytherin above all.

What Hogwarts house is Robb Stark?

4 Ravenclaw: Robb Stark.

What Hogwarts house is Frodo?

2 Frodo Baggins: Ravenclaw.

Is Tyrion a Slytherin?

Tyrion is a Ravenclaw. Some may argue for Slytherin but honestly, Tyrion doesn’t seem quite manipulative or ambitious enough to go there. He just values knowledge above all else.

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What Hogwarts house is Arya in?

Slytherin: Proud, Ambitious, Cunning, Leadership, Resourceful, Shrewd. Arya Stark: Some would say she is arrogant, but it’s been earned. She is confident and clearly cunning. She has a Slytherin’s loyalty to her own tight, dwindling circle.

What Hogwarts house is Jon Snow?

8 Jon Snow: Gryffindor But we’d give the edge to Gryffindor, personally. He’s definitely loyal and true, as Hufflepuff suggests, but he also tends to be a bit self-righteous on his morals and he’s definitely been prone to following his heart a little more than his father did – look at Ygritte and then later, Daenerys.

What Hogwarts house would Legolas be in?

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli: Gryffindor.

What is Sykkuno’s Hogwarts house?

I’m a Gryffindor.

Is daenerys a Gryffindor?

Daenerys, despite being a main character, might be the hardest character to pinpoint in the whole series. She has the intelligence of Ravenclaw, the bravery of Gryffindor, the compassion of Hufflepuff, and displays all of these traits at different points.

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