
What if there is no identification mark in SSC form?

What if there is no identification mark in SSC form?

Identification marks are person to person of an individual and can be used for identification. As far as SSC form is concerned, then you are supposed to enter the identification mark on your body which will distinguish you from others. It’s not mandatory fill in this column if you don’t have any identification marks.

What is identification mark?

identification mark in British English (aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən mɑːk) any sign or other indication that serves to identify someone or something. stamping bicycles with identification marks.

How do you find the visible distinguishing mark?

Visible distinguishing mark means any mark on the body by birth, birthmark or any indelible scar etc. (normally visible) which helps in identifying a person easily. You can write “NONE”, in case you don’t have a distinguishing mark. Please do not write such marks which are not ordinarily visible.

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What is candidate visible identification mark?

Column 8 – VISIBLE IDENTIFICATION MARK: Any visible identification mark (e.g. a black mole on. left side of face / a cut mark above right eye) of the candidate is to be written. 12. Column 9 – E-MAIL: E-mail ID of the candidate should be written in block capital letters for e-mail. correspondence with the candidate.

What is identification mark in Aadhar card?

UIDAI is the nodal body responsible for rolling out Aadhaar, the 12-digit unique identification number that identifies residents based on biometrics.

How do you write an identification mark in a sentence?

  1. If a person touts for business after clause 4 becomes law, there will be an identifying mark on the back of the cab.
  2. A scar on his hip was described as an identifying mark.
  3. The “unmarked category” can form the identifying mark of the powerful.
  4. His identifying mark in the band was a faucet glued to his forehead.

What does identify mean example?

Identify means to determine who or what someone or something is. An example of identify is finding out what species a flower belongs to. An example of identify is security asking for someone’s driver’s license to find out if they are over 21. verb.

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What are distinguishing facial marks?

The major categories of facial marks are defined as freckle, mole, scar, pockmark, acne, whitening, dark skin, abrasion, wrinkle, and others. All these face marks appear as salient lo- calized regions on the face.

What is ID proof number?

Hi, An ID proof is simply your valid Identity. It is generally in the form of Card like A dhar card. It is a legal document issued by government of India which is your identity to someone or for some work.