
What image format is not supported by browsers?

What image format is not supported by browsers?

You should only be using PNG, JPEG, and PNG images on production websites. All other image formats are either not supported by browsers, or are not optimized and efficient for use as images on a website.

What image formats are supported on all browsers?

JPEG and PNG are supported by the every browser.

Which browsers do not support WebP images in their current?


  • Google Chrome. Chrome 4 to 8 does not support for WebP Image Format.
  • Mozilla Firefox. WebP Image Format is not supported by Mozilla Firefox browser version 2 to 61.
  • Internet Explorer. IE browser version 6 to 11 doesn’t support WebP Image Format.
  • Safari.
  • Microsoft Edge.
  • Opera.

Which is better WebP or SVG?

According to the survey done by, statistics show that 28.5\% of all the websites use SVG while only 0.4\% uses WebP. That is quite a considerable difference, don’t you think? For geometric designs and illustrations—logos, especially—SVG is the perfect format. They scale infinitely, just like vector images.

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Should I use WebP instead of JPEG?

WebP vs. JPEG is a no-brainer. WebP offers 25 – 35\% smaller file sizes at the exact same SSIM quality index, which means that WebP images have smaller file sizes with the same quality. There isn’t much more to say on this. WebP offers a better all-around package than JPEG as an image format.

What is the best file format for web?

JPEGs are probably the best file format for photographs on the web as the level of flexible compression when saving means they are capable of shrinking to a smaller file size and, therefore, they won’t have a negative effect on pagespeed.

Is PNG or WebP better?

WebP offers 26\% smaller file sizes than PNG, while still providing transparency and the same quality. WebP loads faster (due to file size) than PNG images.