
What is a B2 to E5 vocal range?

What is a B2 to E5 vocal range?

Vocal Ranges according to The New Harvard Dictionary of Music

These ranges correspond to the following:
High voice Medium voice Low voice
Soprano: C4-A5 Mezzo soprano: A3-F5 Alto: F3-D5
Tenor: B2-G4 Baritone: G2-E4 Bass: E2-C4

What is the normal vocal range of a female?

Mezzo-Soprano (female)– Mezzo-Soprano is the most common range for the female voice and this range is generally between A3 and F5. Contralto (female)– The lowest female vocal range is Contralto or Alto, and this range is between F3 and D5.

Is B2 a low note for a woman?

Definitely. The lowest women’s vocal range (contralto) usually only extends as low as an F3, very rarely can a woman hit B2.

What is the highest voice range for a female singer?

Soprano: the highest female voice, being able to sing C4 (middle C) to C6 (high C), and possibly higher. Mezzo-soprano: a female voice between A3 (A below middle C) and A5 (2nd A above middle C). Contralto: the lowest female voice, F3 (F below middle C) to E5 (2nd E above Middle C).

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How low is a b2?

An EGRAC of 1.2 or less is usually used to indicate adequate riboflavin status, 1.2–1.4 to indicate marginal deficiency, and greater than 1.4 to indicate riboflavin deficiency [1,6].

What octave is E5?

From G3 to G4 is one, then E5 is a 6th above G4. The G above E5 would be G5. There are 8 notes from one octave to the next, and the E is 6 notes above the G. That makes it one and three quarter octaves.

Is E5 a tenor?

Countertenor—The countertenor is the highest male singing voice range that stretches from E3 to E5. Countertenors usually sing their high notes in falsetto vocal register and sing the lower notes in modal voice. 2. Tenor—This is the highest male singing voice using modal voice register only.