
What is a good score on PLI test?

What is a good score on PLI test?

The newly branded PLI test, known as the PI cognitive assessment, has introduced a new scale score which will be presented to you as part of the score report. the scale is 100-450 and the new average score is now 250, which is equivalent to a raw score of ~20/50.

What is Maersk PLI test?

Predictive Index Learning Indicator, formerly known as the Professional Learning Indicator, the PLI test, or the PI cognitive assessment. This is a cognitive ability test that lasts 12 minutes and has 50 questions in areas of numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning.

How do you ace the predictive index test?


  1. Have a good idea of what will be expected in the position for which you are applying.
  2. Consider which adjectives will pertain to your specific role within the company.
  3. Maintain consistency with the adjectives you are selecting, but be aware of extremes.
  4. Make sure you are prepared by practicing.
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How do you clear a behavioral assessment?

How to pass a personality test

  1. Answer honestly. Personality tests often include questions that ask for answers on a scale.
  2. Avoid too many of the same answers.
  3. Study the job description.
  4. Consider taking a practice test.
  5. Take your time.
  6. Expect questions about your honesty and integrity.

How do you pass the PI behavioral assessment?

Here are three easy best practices on how to set yourself up for success when taking these assessments:

  1. Be honest. The ultimate goal of behavioral assessments and other pre-employment tools is to gauge fit.
  2. Don’t overthink it. Even if you’re committed to answering honestly, you may get nervous.
  3. Embrace the fit.

What is Li Pi test?

The Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PI LI), formerly known as Professional Learning Indicator (PLI), is a 12-minute test comprised of 50 questions. The purpose of the PI LI assessment is to measure your cognitive ability or your capacity to learn and adapt in the workplace.

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How many questions do most people answer on the PI cognitive test?

The average score is 20 correct answers out of 50.