
What is a good word for envious?

What is a good word for envious?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for envious, like: desiring, jealous, greedy, content, aspiring, green-eyed, unenvious, invidious, begrudging, covetous and resentful.

Is envy a positive or negative word?

Envy is a mostly negative feeling of desire for something that someone else has and you do not. Envy is not a good feeling—it can be described as a mix of admiration and discontent. But it’s not necessarily malicious. Envy is very similar in meaning to jealousy.

Is there a good type of envy?

Benign envy can sound a lot like admiration. The difference is that, while admiration feels good, envy is painful. By contrast, if they felt benign envy they worked harder. Benign envy may be unpleasant, but it’s a driver of change for the better.

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What is jaundiced mean?

jaundiced • \JAWN-dist\ • adjective. 1 : affected with or as if with a disease characterized by yellow pigmentation of the skin 2 : exhibiting or influenced by envy, distaste, or hostility.

What is the synonym of admirable?

commendable, worthy of admiration, worthy of commendation, praiseworthy, laudable, estimable, meritorious, creditable, exemplary, exceptional, notable, honourable, worthy, deserving, respectable, worthwhile.

What does it mean if someone envies you?

Envy is wanting what someone else has. You might see a neighbor with a new car or a coworker get a new job and desire the same. You might feel a sense of resentment toward the individual for attaining something you want but have yet to achieve. Jealousy is more about holding onto something you already have.

What is the opposite of ENBY?

Opposite of a resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck. goodwill. friendliness. helpfulness. kindness.

Why is envy wrong?

Envy can be a destructive emotion both mentally and physically. Envious people tend to feel hostile, resentful, angry and irritable. Envy is also related to depression, anxiety, the development of prejudice, and personal unhappiness. Not surprisingly, these negative mental states can impact physical health.

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What is a begrudging mean?

1 : to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure begrudge money begrudged the weeks spent away from home. 2 : to look upon with disapproval or envy begrudge their rivals’ success.

How do you admire someone in one word?

  1. adore,
  2. adulate,
  3. canonize,
  4. deify,
  5. dote (on),
  6. hallow,
  7. idolize,
  8. revere,