
What is a hypertext example?

What is a hypertext example?

The definition of hypertext is a word or words that contain a link to a website. An example of hypertext is the word “Facebook” that links to the Facebook page. The author embeds hyperlinks in the text that the user can simply click on to view the related document associated with the link.

What is the difference between hypertext and HTML?

Stands for “Hypertext Markup Language.” HTML is the language used to create webpages. “Hypertext” refers to the hyperlinks that an HTML page may contain.

What is the difference of intertextuality?

Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text. It is the interconnection between similar or related works of literature that reflect and influence an audience’s interpretation of the text. Intertextuality is the relation between texts that are inflected by means of quotations and allusion.

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How do you use Intertext?

Analysing intertextuality – A step-by-step process

  1. Read the passage to identify any clear intertextual references to literature, music, art, film, or another text type.
  2. Research or use your own knowledge of the text you have identified and find any themes or messages that can be linked to your current text.

What is the advantages of intertext?

The advantage of an intertextual approach is that it focuses on the process of composition to reveal intention, while allowing for the reader’s role in producing the meaning of a text. It is both reader and writer centred, encompassing the entire process by which a text comes into being and is understood.

Which do you prefer to choose to use hypertext or intertext?

Other hypertext systems and “browsers” have since been created, one of the most popular being Macintosh’s HyperCard. While all of these work well self-sufficiently, there still wasn’t a universal system of exchanging information freely and making links between it.

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What are the two common examples of hypertext?

Some Examples of Hypertext

  • Le WebLouvre. An Online tour of some of the most famous art exhibits in Paris.
  • The Exploratorium. San Francisco’s famous interactive museum has an excellent on-line site as well.
  • MendelWeb.
  • Dissect a Frog!
  • The Voodoo Lounge.
  • EXPO.

What are hypertexts and hyperlinks?

Hypertext is information organized so that it can be connected to other related information in a non-sequential way. A hyperlink is a word, phrase, image, or region of an image, often highlighted, that can be selected from a web page. …

What is example of intertext?

Another example of intertextuality is the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. This is a pastiche of Hamlet, using many of the same characters but exploring the story from a completely different perspective.

What is Intertext essay?

Intertextuality refers to the relationship between a given text and other relevant texts encountered in prior experience. It touches on factors, which make the utilization of one text dependent on knowledge of previous information encountered in the text.