
WHAT IS A in floral formula?

WHAT IS A in floral formula?

Writing Floral Formula To designate the numbers of parts of each structure, figures such as (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are used after corresponding symbols of the floral part such as K (calyx), C (corolla), A (androecium) and G (gynoecium).

What is the formula of flowers?

floral formula A conventional method for recording the structure of a flower. It uses a series of capital letters to identify parts: K = calyx; C = corolla; A = androecium; G = gynoecium. The number of components in each is indicated by a number; if the number exceeds 12, the symbol ∝ (infinity) is used.

What is floral formula of Solanum plant?

Solanaceae is a family of angiosperms. It is also known as the ‘potato family’….Floral Formula.

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Actinomorphic (radial symmetry)
C(5) Corolla – 5 petals, gamopetalous
A5 Androecium – 5 stamens, polyandrous (free), epipetalous (attached to petals)

How is floral formula derived?

How to Write Floral Formula? The writing of floral formula one should start from bract and bracteole then symmetry and sex of flower, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. The number of parts of each organ is indicated in figures (1, …… 4, 5) after the relevant symbol (K, C, A, G).

What is the floral formula of the hibiscus flower?

Hibiscus is Rosa-sinensis – flora formula – Br. Brl. Ф K (5) C5 A (∞)G(5).

What is floral formula of Rose?

The floral formula for rose is as given below. Figure: Floral Formula. K (5) – a calyx with 5 sepals. C5 – corolla fused from 5 petals. A ∞ – many stamens (here, many indicates more than 10-12)

What is the floral formula of Liliaceae family?

Liliaceae is a family of angiosperms. It is a family of monocotyledonous plants….Floral Formula.

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Br Bracteate
P(3+3) Perianth – 6 tepals in two whorls, gamophyllous (united)
A3+3 Androecium – 6 stamens, polyandrous (free), epiphyllous (attached to tepals)
G(3) Gynoecium – tricarpellary, syncarpous (united), superior ovary

What is the floral formula of sesbania?

Sesbania belongs to the floral family of Fabaceae. Being the characteristic of Fabaceae family, sesbania has the typical fabaceae aestivation. They are bisexual flowers. Ebr \% bisexual K(5), C1 + 2 + (2) , A(9) + 1, G_1 is the floral formula, where the flowers are ebraciate.

What is the floral formula of Liliaceae?

Liliaceae is a family of angiosperms. It is a family of monocotyledonous plants. It is also known as the ‘lily family’….Floral Formula.

Br Bracteate
A3+3 Androecium – 6 stamens, polyandrous (free), epiphyllous (attached to tepals)
G(3) Gynoecium – tricarpellary, syncarpous (united), superior ovary