
What is a research breakthrough?

What is a research breakthrough?

When a task is completed and a reward is claimed, the Trainer will earn a stamp (only one stamp can be earned each day). After seven stamps are collected, Trainers will activate a Research Breakthrough. This bonus will let Trainers encounter a specific Pokémon to catch and will have a rating of 2- or 3-stars.

What is the research breakthrough for November 2021?

The November 2021 reward is an encounter with Vullaby. As well as the Pokemon encounter, each research breakthrough will net you Stardust, XP, and a random smattering of other items, including a chance at a Sinnoh Stone or Unova Stone evolution item.

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What is the research breakthrough for June 2021?

On June 1, 2021, the Pokémon Go Research Breakthrough Reward for completing a week’s worth of stamps changed to Clamperl, the water-type clam Pokémon from the Hoenn region. Clamperl evolves into both Gorebyss and Huntail at random.

What is the research breakthrough for July 2021?

On July 1, 2021, the Pokémon Go’s Research Breakthrough Reward for completing a week’s worth of stamps changed to Rufflet, the flying- and normal-type baby bird Pokémon from the Unova region. Rufflet evolves into Braviary when you use 50 Rufflet Candy.

What is the research breakthrough for October 2021?

On Oct. 1, 2021, the Pokémon Go’s Research Breakthrough Reward for completing a week’s worth of stamps changed to Yamask, the ghost-type Pokémon from the Unova region. You can complete Pokémon Go Field Research Tasks for Pokémon encounters, items, and Stardust. Finishing the individual tasks also rewards sweet stuff.

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What is the research breakthrough for July 2020?

July 2020. From July 1, 2020, at 3 PM EST through August 1, 2020, at 3 PM EST, the Research Breakthrough Reward was Larvitar*.

What is the next Pokemon Go Community Day November 2020?

Nov. 21
Pokemon Go’s November Community Day takes place on Sunday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time.

Where can I find Vullaby in Pokemon go?

There’s a particular way for you to catch it, though, and you cannot find it in the wild. For those actively looking to hatch a Vullaby, you can only receive it by hatching a strange egg, also known as a red egg. These are different eggs than the ones you’d receive from friends, or the Poké Stops all over the world.

What do you get from research breakthrough September 2021?

On Sept. 1, 2021, the Pokémon Go’s Research Breakthrough Reward for completing a week’s worth of stamps changed to Ditto, the normal-type Pokémon from the Kanto region. You can complete Pokémon Go Field Research Tasks for Pokémon encounters, items, and Stardust. Finishing the individual tasks also rewards sweet stuff.

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How do you get a Ditto June 2021?

No, players cannot get a Ditto from eggs in Pokemon Go. The only way to find one is by catching a disguised one out in the wild.

What is the research breakthrough for August 2021?

On Aug. 1, 2021, the Pokémon Go’s Research Breakthrough Reward for completing a week’s worth of stamps changed to Chimecho, the psychic-type wind chime Pokémon from the Hoenn region. You can complete Pokémon Go Field Research Tasks for Pokémon encounters, items, and Stardust.