
What is a sentence for omitted?

What is a sentence for omitted?

Omitted in a Sentence 1. The graduate was sad that his name was accidentally omitted from the list of people earning their degrees. 2. Because he was embarrassed that he smoked, the patient omitted that info when speaking to the doctor.

When can I omit the subject?

Whenever you use a sentence where the subject or the subject with an auxiliary is repeated then this can be left out after the conjunctions: and, but, or and then.

Was omitted or were omitted?

Omitted is defined as left out or left undone. When you left out facts as you were telling a story, this is an example of facts that were omitted. Simple past tense and past participle of omit.

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Have been omitted meaning?

to fail to include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget. Important details had been omitted from the article.

How do you use omission in a sentence?

Omission in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The omission of my name from the Honor Roll List made me regret the fact I had played around all semester.
  2. Because of the omission of John’s name from the list at the door, he was not allowed inside the club for the movie’s after party.

Can you omit i in a sentence?

Yes you can omit I in the case of the sentence written above. Whenever we connect two sentences with an and where the both action is done by the same person we can omit the subject after and. For instance, I am a student, I have gone to school can be written in this way that I am a student and have gone to school.

Can you omit subject pronouns in English why or why not?

In English we can’t omit the pronouns because only third person singular verbs have distinct endings. In other languages such as the Romance and northern Indian languages, it’s perfectly possible to be understood without them (except French) and is more a question of norms of style than grammar proper, in my view.

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What is an omitted word?

To omit something is to leave it out, to forget or overlook it. The verb omit comes from the Latin word omittere, “to let go or to lay aside,” which is exactly what it means.

Should have been omitted meaning?

1. to neglect to do or include. 2. to fail (to do something)

What is the Assamese meaning of omitted?

কাম কৰা Kam Kara. Operate. Ad. Omit Meaning in other Languages.

Which words can be used for omission?


  • breach.
  • carelessness.
  • exclusion.
  • failing.
  • lapse.
  • oversight.
  • blank.
  • break.