
What is a short name for Michael?

What is a short name for Michael?

Diminutives of the name include Mike, Mikey, and Mick. Female variations of Michael are Michaela, Michele, and Micha. If you’re looking for a similar sound to Michael that’s a little more out there, try on Micah.

What is Tom usually short for?

Thomas. Tom is mostly used as a diminutive of Thomas. In Germanic countries and Scandinavia, “Tom” is in use as a formal given name.

Can I call Michael as Mike?

Mike is a masculine given name. It is also encountered as an abbreviation or shorthand for Michael.

What names are Tom short for?

Though Tom is usually a short form of Thomas, it can also be a name in its own right. Thompson, usually a surname, has occasionally been seen as a first name as well. Other boy names starting with T: Terrence.

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What is the girl version of Michael?


Pronunciation /mɪˈkeɪlə/
Gender Female
Word/name Hebrew
Meaning Feminine form of Michael, meaning “who is like God?”

What’s a good nickname for Mike?

Originally Answered: What is a nickname for Michael? Mike, Mick or Mickey are common nicknames for Michael. Mikey is sometimes used for children.

Is Thomas shortened to Tom?

Thomas is a masculine given name. “Tom” or “Thom” are short versions of Thomas. “Tommy” is commonly used.

What can Sam be short for?

The name Sam is of Hebrew origin and is often used as a nickname for Samuel. Its meanings include “told by God” and “God hears.” Gender: Sam is historically the masculine form of the name. Feminine variations include Samantha, Sami, and Samuela.

What is a good nickname for Michael?

Mike, Mick or Mickey are common nicknames for Michael. Mikey is sometimes used for children.

What is a nickname for miles?

Miles is a mature name, but a little boy can hold the name easily. He can also be softened with the adorable nickname Milo if you choose.

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Is Tom a good name for a boy?

Last year it ranked 2,130th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby boy names. Tom is a short form variant or nickname of the Greek name Thomas, which is a variant of the Aramaic name Ta’oma (תּתָּאוֹמָא), meaning “twin.”. Famous bearers include American actors Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks.

What is the short form of Samantha?

Samantha or Samuel. Unless you’re reading Lord of the Rings, in which case it’s short for Samwise. By the way, it’s more usual to say “short for” than “stands for” in this context – “Tony” is “short for” Anthony, not “stands for” Anthony. Sam can be short for Simon, Samuel, Samson and Samantha.

Is Tom Holland related to Saving Private Ryan?

His favorite film is Saving Private Ryan (1998). His paternal grandfather, John Charles Anthony Holland, was from the Isle of Man, and his paternal grandmother, Teresa Quigley, was from Ireland. On his mother’s side, Tom is the grandson of Robert Walter Frost and Christina Winifred Berry.

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When was Tom Holland chosen to be the lead actor?

It was Tom Holland who was chosen to be a lead at the special fifth anniversary show on 31 March 2010. Elton John, Billy Elliot the Musical composer, who was at the audience, called Tom’s performance “astonishing” and said that he was “blown away” by it.