
What is a simple definition of altitude?

What is a simple definition of altitude?

Definition of altitude 1a : the vertical elevation of an object above a surface (such as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite. b : the angular elevation of a celestial object above the horizon.

What is altitude in science?

Scientific definitions for altitude The height of an object or structure above a reference level, usually above sea level or the Earth’s surface. Astronomy The position of a celestial object above an observer’s horizon, measured in degrees along a line between the horizon (0°) and the zenith (90°).

What is altitude for 5th class?

Altitude means height above the ground or above the sea level. In geometry it is also used as the height of the object itself. Generally, altitude is the distance one thing is above another thing. This is in the vertical or “up” direction.

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What is altitude Class 9 Brainly?

Answer: the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.

What is the sentence of altitude?

1 The plane made a dive to a lower altitude. 2 The plane took off and climbed to cruising altitude. 3 We’re flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. 4 The plane flew at an altitude of 20, 000 feet.

What is the definition of altitude as used by astronomers?

altitude and azimuth, in astronomy, gunnery, navigation, and other fields, two coordinates describing the position of an object above Earth. Altitude in this sense is expressed as angular elevation (up to 90°) above the horizon.

How do you explain altitude to a child?

Altitude is how high something is compared to the ground, or sea level, and it’s important because of how it can affect people. Imagine the air around you and above you. The atmosphere (the air around the earth) pushes down on the earth.

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What is an altitude Class 7?

An altitude of a triangle is the perpendicular line drawn from the vertex of the triangle to the opposite side. The altitude of a triangle is also known as the height of the triangle. In triangle ABC, AD is the altitude which is a perpendicular line drawn from the vertex A to the point D in the opposite side BC.

What is altitude in geography for kids?

Altitude means height above the ground or above the sea level. Common uses include aviation (flying, parachuting, gliding), and geography/surveying. In geometry it is also used as the height of the object itself.

What do you mean by altitude Brainly?

Altitude means height above the ground or above the sea level.

What is altitude in social studies?

Altitude, like elevation, is the distance above sea level. Areas are often considered “high-altitude” if they reach at least 2,400 meters (8,000 feet) into the atmosphere.

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What is altitude in climate?

Altitude and Climate: Altitude describes how high a certain point is located above sea level or ground level. Climate, often confused with short-term weather trends, describes the long-term prevailing weather patterns of a region. For example, the American Southwest has a climate that is dry and hot.