
What is a SurePath?

What is a SurePath?

SurePath™ Pap – Liquid based Pap testing is intended for use in the screening and detection of cervical cancer, pre-cancerous lesions, atypical cells and all other cytologic categories as defined by the Bethesda System for Reporting Results of Cervical Cytology.

What is SurePath liquid?

BD SurePath™ liquid-based Pap test is intended for use in the screening and detection of cervical cancer, pre-cancerous lesions, atypical cells and all other cytologic categories as defined by The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical/Vaginal Cytologic Diagnoses*.

What is ThinPrep?

The ThinPrep® Pap test helps healthcare providers detect the presence of abnormal cervical cells, and the Aptima HPV assays identify high-risk HPV mRNA that is indicative of the HPV infections most likely to lead to cervical disease.

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What is ThinPrep cytology?

The ThinPrep 2000 System is for use in screening for the presence of atypical cells, cervical cancer, or precursor lesions (LSIL, HSIL) as well as other cytologic categories as defined by the Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology, and is intended as a replacement for the conventional method of Pap smears.

What is SurePath vial?

BD SurePath™ Collection Vial. The BD SurePath Collection Vial offers standardization and positive sample identification, while providing physicians with a single-source collection for Pap screening and molecular diagnostic testing.

Is SurePath FDA approved?

About BD SurePath The BD SurePath brand includes a liquid-based Pap test that is an FDA-approved process intended for use in the screening and detection of cervical cancer, precancerous lesions and atypical cells.

How do I collect SurePath?

Insert the Rovers Cervix-Brush® into the endocervical canal. Rotate brush five times in a clockwise direction. Insert the contoured end of the Pap Perfect® plastic spatula and rotate 360o around the entire exocervix. Snap the device handle and drop the detachable head of the device into the SurePath™ vial.

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What is aptima?

The Aptima® HPV assay is the first FDA-approved test for HPV. mRNA, and the test detects mRNA from 14 high- risk HPV types associated with cervical cancer.1 The Aptima. HPV assay can be used together with the Pap for women age. 30 and older, as well as for reflex on ASC-US Pap results.1.

How do you make a ThinPrep?

Insert the brush into the cervix until only the bottom- most fibers are exposed. Slowly rotate 1/4 or 1/2 turn in one direction. DO NOT OVER-ROTATE. …the brush as quickly as possible in the PreservCyt Solution by rotating the device in the solution 10 times while pushing against the PreservCyt vial wall.

Can ThinPrep be refrigerated?

PLEASE NOTE: The specimen does not need to be refrigerated or packed with ice.

What is HPV SurePath?

The Roche cobas HPV Test with SurePath Preservative Fluid is approved for use with cervical cell samples obtained for a Pap test to screen women age 30 and older for HPV in order to determine whether additional follow-up and diagnostic procedures are needed.