
What is a targeted individual?

What is a targeted individual?

“Targeted Individual” (TI) is an umbrella term coined by troubled unfortunates and paranoid cranks who insist that they are all, individually, on the receiving end of a massive covert harassment conspiracy of highly convoluted malignant intent.

How does exposure to conspiracy theories affect individuals’ attitudes and beliefs?

Like any form of EFI, exposure to a new conspiracy theory can have one of three effects on an individual: it can cause that person to believe something new; it can bolster the individual’s existing beliefs, either in line with the conspiracy theory or in opposition to it; or it can have no effect on the individual’s attitudes or beliefs.

When did the term “targeted individual” first appear?

Save this story for later. The earliest Google searches for the term “targeted individual” appeared in 2004. Today, people who believe that they are targets are using the internet to find each other and share their stories. Alvaro Dominguez

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Is mkmk Ultra a conspiracy theory?

MK Ultra and the Phoenix Project both sound like the stuff of conspiracy theories, but much of what’s alleged has since been documented and confirmed. The movie doesn’t stop with history, though: It alleges that the secret government programs never ended.

What is targeted Justice?

Targeted Justice is the world’s leading information resource for Targeted Individuals. If we have helped you, please consider a donation of $3.50 per month. (That’s less than your expensive cup of coffee.)

Who are some famous people who have been targeted?

Many famous people are Targeted Individuals: Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, and William Binney. Also, Roseanne Barr, Van Morrison, and John McAfee. They are hit with painful microwave attacks every day.