
What is another way to say poop and pee?

What is another way to say poop and pee?

excreta. Excrement is related to our next cloacal synonym: excreta. You can use the word excreta, which means “excreted matter, like urine, feces, or sweat,” the next time you find yourself in need of a more refined synonym for poop.

What is a formal way of saying poop?

The correct medical terms are faeces (feces in the US), or stool(s). Stool(s) tends to be the term used by doctors. The medical term for going to the toilet (bathroom) is to defaecate/defecate (same thing, just a variation in spelling) or defecating, or less formally, “opening your bowels”.

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Is defecate polite?

Defecate is certainly every bit as polite as any of its alternatives, including the one suggested so far.

How do you say toilet politely?

In the US, a very polite and neutral term for a public toilet is “restroom.” If you are in a private home, say, “bathroom.” “May I use your restroom/bathroom?” “Where is the restroom/bathroom?” or in a very large building, “Where are the restrooms?”

What do Americans say instead of wee?

In the US, these terms are replaced by a number of Americanisms: porcelain god; restroom; throne; the john, potty; bathroom; commode; crapper; outhouse; and the bowl.

What is a formal way to say poop?

What is a formal way to say poop, besides “feces”? “Stool” is one that’s used in hospitals. A stool sample is like a urine sample, but for your poop, so they can do tests on it (I don’t know all the details, but I’m sure they check for stuff like blood and whether your body is properly digesting your food).

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What is the most common word for poop in the US?

The one exception to this is between parents (or other adult caretakers) and very young children who are just learning how to use the bathroom. In that context, the most common words (in the U.S.) are “poop” and “pee.”

What does it mean when you call someone pooped?

You may be surprised to learn that the word poop actually has more than one meaning. You can use it to describe a feeling, like being pooped, which means to be overtired. As in, I was up until 3 in the morning, so I’m totally pooped.

What are some examples of “I have to Pee”?

There are some examples for how these words can be used below. “I have to pee, where is the bathroom?” “I’m going to take a leak, I’ll be right back.” “My son peed on himself and I need to change his clothes.” Mom: “Do you have to go number 1 or number 2?” Child: “ Number 1. ” “Someone pissed all over the sidewalk.

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