
What is another word for stay put?

What is another word for stay put?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for stay-put, like: resist, remain, move, persist, stay, endure, stick around, stand fast, stand-still and stick.

Where does stay put come from?

Stay put is first recorded 1843, American English. “To stay put is to keep still, remain in order. A vulgar expression” [Bartlett]. Phrase stay the course is originally (1885) in reference to horses holding out till the end of a race.

Is Stay put an idiom?

Idiom: Stay Put; used as a verb. This idiom can be used as a general verb to relate the idea of staying in one place. The words, stay and put cannot be separated.

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What is stay out mean?

Definition of stay out 1 : to avoid going into a place They kicked us out of the bar and told us to stay out. 2 : to spend time away from home She stayed out dancing all night.

Will remain the same meaning?

If things remain the same, they don’t change, and if your family remains in the same town, they don’t move.

What is it called when you live somewhere?

resident Add to list Share. A resident is someone who lives somewhere particular, or a doctor-in-training who takes care of the patients at a hospital under the supervision of other doctors. You are a resident of wherever you live — your house, town, planet. (Let’s assume we’re all residents of Earth.)

What is the meaning of put up with?

phrasal verb. If you put up with something, you tolerate or accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfactory.

What does stay Foot mean?

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1 intr to continue or remain in a certain place, position, etc.

What does stay back mean?

to not move forwards, or to not move towards something, usually something dangerous or unpleasant. I warned them to stay back.

Is it stay or stay at?

Stay in is saying that you will stay in (this) place . whereas stay at is to state the place you will be staying. I would like to stay in tonight. I would like to stay at home.