
What is chemistry in short answer?

What is chemistry in short answer?

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of elements and compounds, how they can change, and the energy that is released or absorbed when they change.

What is chemistry in your own words?

The definition of chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the form and properties of matter and substances or the interaction between individuals. An example of chemistry is the study of protons and neutrons. An example of chemistry is the feeling of affection and attraction between a couple.

What is chemistry the study of?

Chemistry is a branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the changes they undergo, and the natural laws that describe these changes.

What is chemistry short answer for Class 6?

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter and its interactions with other matter. Chemicals are used by us every day. Furthermore, chemical reactions are being performed every passing second, without even thinking much about them.

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What is chemistry by Brainly?

Brainly User. Answer: Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. sikringbp and 12 more users found this answer helpful.

What are the 6 branches of chemistry?

Explore these six main areas of chemistry to learn what chemistry professionals do in each area and what kinds of jobs are available.

  • Analytical Chemistry.
  • Biological/Biochemistry.
  • Inorganic Chemistry.
  • Organic Chemistry.
  • Physical Chemistry.

How do you explain chemistry to a child?

Chemistry is the science of chemical elements and compounds. Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with chemical elements and compounds, and how these things work together. It is the study of the materials (things) that make up our bodies and everything in the world around us.