
What is choke coil answer?

What is choke coil answer?

A choke coil is an inductance coil of very small resistance used for controlling current in an a.c. circuit. On the other hand there is no dissipation of power when a current flows through a pure inductor.

What is the meaning of choke coil?

Definitions of choke coil. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current. synonyms: choke, choking coil. type of: coil. reactor consisting of a spiral of insulated wire that introduces inductance into a circuit.

What is choke coil Byjus?

A choke is a wound coil generally used for smoothing or filtering the outputs from rectifying circuits. Impedance of chokeincreases with increase in frequency. Choke or coil is also used for RF filtering.

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What is choke coil Quora?

Choke coil is a low resistance inductor coil which is use to limit the current in the ac circuit without having much power loss . It is also use to block high frequency. 3.7K views. · Rajib Ghosal.

What is the power factor of a choke coil?

, the power factor of a good choke coil is virtually zero i.e, cosϕ=0. Also, choke coils are used in electrical circuits to limit current.

What is the difference between a choke and an inductor?

Because choke is basically used to stop the frequency, while Inductor has various uses including this one. Choke is just a type of Inductor. The basic difference between choke & any other type of Inductor is, Choke has a ferro-magnetic material as its core which increases its inductance.

Where do we use choke coil?

Choke coil is used in fluorescent lamps or tubes, initially it provides a very high voltage and once the gas in the tube is ionized, choke provides a low voltage. Usually it is used to allow DC and blocks AC to pass through the circuit.

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Can we use choke coil in DC circuit?

The choke coil can be used only in ac circuits, not in dc circuits, because for dc(ω=0) the inductive reactance XL=ωL of the coil is zero, only the resistance of the coil remains effective which too is almost zero.

Where are choke coil used?