
What is considered a good score in Nata?

What is considered a good score in Nata?

A good nata score varies each year with the level of competition. While the maximum NATA Scores have been 155+, a score of around 120+ is considered to be good and must be the target score for most students.

What is the highest score in Nata?

Topper Marks is not out but it is expected to be around 150-180. Previous year highest score was about 174/200. For more details on result about NATA ,do check the link below. Hope it helps.

Is 150 a good score in NATA?

From the above table, it is clear that a good score in NATA 2021 can be around 120 to 150 marks out of 200….Good Score in NATA 2021.

Very Good Score 150+ out of 200
Average Score 90 – 120 out of 200
Low Score 75 – 80 out of 200
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Is 120 a good score in NATA?

From the above table, it is clear that a good score in NATA 2021 can be around 120 to 150 marks out of 200….Good Score in NATA 2021.

Very Good Score 150+ out of 200
Good Score 120 – 150 out of 200
Average Score 90 – 120 out of 200
Low Score 75 – 80 out of 200

Is 106 a good score in NATA?

106 is an average score but not bad. You have got 5 attempts and can improve your score. It is also dependent on you 12th board results. The nata and 12th results and summed up 50\%-50\% to get final score.

Is 107 a good score in NATA?

From the above table, it is clear that a good score in NATA 2021 can be around 120 to 150 marks out of 200. Candidates are advised to appear for both Phase 1 & 2 of NATA so that the best score can be used for B. Arch admission.

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Is 89 a good score in NATA 2021?

From the above table, it is clear that a good score in NATA 2021 can be around 120 to 150 marks out of 200.

Is 98 a good score in NATA?

98 is an average score . The college placement also depends on ur board percentage. If you have got 60+ you have a low chance of getting a merit seat. If 80+ you might get merit seat but depends on your rank .