
What is contour Ploughing and terracing?

What is contour Ploughing and terracing?

Contour ploughing is the ploughing, done at right angles to the hill slopes, ridges and furrows so that the elevation prevents soil erosion by wind and water. Terrace farming alters the shape of the slope to produce flat areas whereas contour ploughing follows the natural shape of the slope without altering it.

What is contour terracing?

contour farming, the practice of tilling sloped land along lines of consistent elevation in order to conserve rainwater and to reduce soil losses from surface erosion. Contour farming is most effective when used in conjunction with such practices as strip cropping, terracing, and water diversion.

What is contour Ploughing Class 10?

Answer: Contour plowing is the process of farming by keeping the lines of contour on the sloppy regions. In addition, the contour lines decrease topsoil movement and avoid soil erosion. It is considered to be one of the method of sustainable agriculture.

What is contouring in farming?

Contour farming is the practice of tillage, planting, and other farming operations performed on or near the contour of the field slope. Tillage and planting operations follow the contour line to promote positive row drainage and reduce ponding.

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What is Contour ploughing Class 8?

Contour ploughing is a farming practice which involves ploughing the land along contour lines. It refers to planting across the slope rather than along it. The planting is done perpendicularly to the slope instead of being done in a parallel manner. This creates contour lines.

Is contour farming and Contour ploughing same?

Terrace farming and contour ploughing are both used to reduce soil erosion on slopes from tilled fields….Write is the difference between terrace farming and contour ploughing.

Terrace farming Contour ploughing
Terrace farming shifts the slope’s structure to create flat areas that provide water catchment. Contour ploughing suits the slope’s natural shape without changing it.

Is contour farming and contour Ploughing same?

What is terracing in agriculture?

What is terracing? Terraces are earthen structures that intercept runoff on moderate to steep slopes. They transform long slopes into a series of shorter slopes. Terraces reduce the rate of runoff and allow soil particles to settle out. The resulting cleaner water is then carried off the field in a non-erosive manner.

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What is called Contour ploughing?

Contour bunding or contour farming or Contour ploughing is the farming practice of plowing and/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. A similar practice is contour bunding where stones are placed around the contours of slopes.

Whats does contour do?

Contouring defines and shapes the structure of the face. It adds structure, dimension and symmetry to one’s features. How to choose: Choose a shade that is 2-3 shades darker than your natural skin tone.

What is Contour ploughing Class 11?

Contour ploughing is a method of tilling or ploughing hillsides or sloping lands among the contour lines, that is, around rather than up and down a slope mainly with a view to conserving soil and water. Soil exhaustion refers to the lost of fertility due to excess use of land and improper methods of cultivation.

What is the use of Contour ploughing?

Main advantages Contour ploughing prevents and mitigates the impacts of floods, storms and landslides in the cropping sub sector by reducing soil erosion up to 50\%, controlling runoff water, and increasing moisture infiltration and retention thus enhancing soil quality and resilience.

What is the difference between contour plowing and terrace plowing?

In contour plowing, the land is plowed across the slopes and along the contour lines. This will also reduce soil erosion and make rainwater infiltrate into the soil more than on land plowed along the slope. Terraces are more effective than contour plowing alone in minimizing soil erosion and facilitating infiltration f rainfall into the soil.

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What is Contour ploughing in soil?

Tilling the field at right angles to the natural slope after drawing up the elevation contour lines is called contour ploughing in soil, prevents and reduces soil erosion.

What is contour cultivation and how does it work?

Contour cultivation (contour farming, contour plowing, or contour bunding) is a sustainable way of farming where farmers plant crops across or perpendicular to slopes to follow the contours of a slope of a field. This arrangement of plants breaks up the flow of water and makes it harder for soil erosion to occur.

How does contour plowing affect the water cycle?

In most cases, rainwater washes farming fertilizers downstream and consequently contaminating freshwater systems. Secondly, contour plowing increases the soil’s water retention ability to ensure that enough water soaks into the soil for good health of the plants.