
What is covered in OPD insurance?

What is covered in OPD insurance?

We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred towards the Day Care Treatment or Surgery undertaken that requires less than 24 hours Hospitalization due to advancement in technology and which is undertaken by an Insured Person in a Hospital / Nursing Home / Day Care Centre for the Illness or Injury, as specified in …

What is OPD visit?

Outpatient department treatment (OPD) is treatment done by a doctor when the patient visits a clinic or a consultation room.

Why is OPD important?

OPD may be an add-on but it is as important as your overall health insurance in dealing with medical emergencies. OPD will help you take care of all expenses arising out of doctor’s visits/consultation. This is ideal for people who have a chronic illness and are required to visit the doctor on a regular basis.

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Why is OPD not covered?

No bills required. You can choose to either use this benefit or use the standard post-hospitalization benefit, through the process of reimbursement. If due to a trauma, one has to be hospitalized for a psychiatric treatment, it will be covered under this benefit. However, OPD consultations are not covered under this.

What is a full form of OPD?

OPD- Out Patient Department, designed to be first contact between the patient and the hospital staff.

How do I claim OPD in HDFC Ergo?

Toll free no.: 1860 2000 700 | Fax: 1860 2000 600 | Email: [email protected] Corporate Office : 6th Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri-Kurla Road Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 059.

Can we claim OPD bills in insurance?

OPD in health insurance is covered by many health insurance companies. Under OPD cover, policyholders are allowed to file their claim for expenses incurred without hospitalization. Health insurance policies covering OPD provide cover for diagnostic or minor procedures as well as the cost of medicines.