
What is creep equilibrium?

What is creep equilibrium?

Creep equilibrium is the movement of the creep wave ‘meeting point’ in the lane. Any situation which results in creeps dying faster on one side than the other will cause the creep wave to move closer towards that side’s tower.

What is creep in Dota 2?

Lane Creeps are the most common unit in Dota 2, and the biggest source of gold and experience for heroes. They spawn in waves at regular intervals in both bases and move down each lane towards the enemy base. They are uncontrollable by players and will attack any enemy units, buildings, and heroes along their way.

How do you creep pull in Dota 2?

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Simple Tutorial how to pull Creep Waves in Dota 2:

  1. Step 1Hit the creeps at the correct time. For example the easy pull stop needs to be attacked at X:44.
  2. Step 2Now run to your lane and the neutral creeps will take the aggro of your creep wave. They follow them and will try to bring them down.

How many last hits Dota 2?

Ideally, you should aim to get around 50 last-hits every 10 minutes if you’re in a contested lane – in an uncontested lane, that number should be slightly higher – anything past 60 last-hits would be ideal.

Do mega creeps give more gold?

Mega Creeps are stronger versions of regular Lane Creeps that give less Gold and Experience to the enemy when killed.

Why are creeps called creeps?

Comes from Warcraft III where the neutral (but aggressive) packs of monsters would guard certain areas from your armies. Originally, in Starcraft, creep was a layer of slime where zergs could build similar to blight. Why orcs called orcs in LotR?

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When should you pull creeps Dota 2?

An easy rule of thumb is that as long as it is not the kobold camp that has 5 creeps in it, a single small camp should be able let you deny 2-3 creeps from your wave, as long as you’re completely focused on denying, and most of the time the priority should be denying your creeps as much as possible.

How do you stack creep?

To stack a camp, you can either attack a unit in the camp or simply walk close to it. The neutral creeps will then attempt to chase you for a few seconds before returning to their initial position. Most camps can be stacked at around the 54-55 second mark.