
What is dependent clause and independent clause example?

What is dependent clause and independent clause example?

If a dependent marker word is used, the clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. For example: “If she leaves” = not a complete sentence. If an independent marker word is used, the clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. For example: “Therefore, she leaves” = a complete sentence.

How do you know if a sentence is an independent clause?

Independent clauses have three components: They have a subject – they tell the reader what the sentence is about. They have an action or predicate – they tell the reader what the subject is doing. They express a complete thought – something happened or was said.

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What is an independent clause example?

An independent clause is the combination of at least one subject and predicate. It expresses a complete thought. For example: The waves crashed onto the sandy shore.

What means independent clause?

An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence.

What are 5 examples of independent clauses?

Examples of Independent Clauses

  • I enjoy sitting by the fireplace and reading.
  • Waiting to have my car’s oil changed is boring.
  • She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights.
  • Our planets revolve around the sun.
  • The professor always comes to class fully prepared.
  • Hurricanes strengthen over warm waters.

Can a sentence have 2 dependent clauses?

A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.

Which of the following is a dependent clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It does not express a complete thought so it is not a sentence and can’t stand alone. These clauses include adverb clauses, adjective clauses and noun clauses.

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What is one independent clause?

An independent clause contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.

When the dependent clause comes at the beginning?

If the dependent clause is first (again, rather like an introduction to the main clause), it is followed by a comma (like in this sentence and the next). If the independent clause comes first, no punctuation separates the two.

What is meant by dependent clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence. Often a dependent clause is marked by a dependent marker word.

Can a sentence have two dependent clauses?

Is “no one lives there” an independent clause?

“No one lives there.” That is the clause, the whole clause, and nothing but the clause. It’s independent of course, as there isn’t anything else there which it could be dependent on. Given a sentence with only one verb, it is almost necessarily true that the sentence is an independent clause, the independent clause.

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What is the difference between an independent clause and dependent clause?

An independent clause is also called a “main clause” because it contains a sentence’s main idea, and as the main part, it isn’t “dependent” on other clauses to make sense. But, a dependent clause relies on an independent clause to make a full sentence. That means that all sentences need an independent clause—no sentence can be complete without one!

How do you know if a sentence is dependent or independent?

In a complex sentence one half (clause) is dependent and the other is independent. As a simple sentence, this phrase could be used as an independent clause in a complex sentence. It has a subject (no one) and a predicate (lives) and a complete thought, but it does not have a subordinating conjunction that would make it dependent.

Can a dependent clause be an adjective or adverb?

When a dependent clause is used as an adjective or an adverb, it will usually be part of a complex sentence (i.e., a sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause).