
What is G sharp on alto sax?

What is G sharp on alto sax?

On alto sax, G-sharp is one, three, one plus the side C key (the middle right hand side key). The fingering I use on tenor is two, three and the middle finger on your right hand, (F-sharp key).

Where is G# key on saxophone?

Therefore, you are using all four fingers on your LEFT hand. To play a G# or Ab on your saxophone, you do not need to use any fingers on your right hand. To play a high G# or Ab, simply add the Register key (sometimes known as the Octave key) using your LEFT thumb at the back of your saxophone.

Why is my saxophone not playing notes?

If notes won’t play (or require a lot of air to play) it’s almost always due to an air leak. The leather pads located under the keys are supposed to seal the air from the tone holes, but if the pad doesn’t seal well the saxophonist will find themselves blowing harder or squeezing the key until it seals.

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Why does my saxophone have a sharp G on it?

Usually, it’s a problem with what we call a regulation bar—it’s above the F# and it covers the G. Any saxophone made past the 50s will have two regulation screws on. The bottom regulation screw is for the long B flat, one-on-one, and the top regulation screw is for the G sharp.

How to fix a saxophone that won’t play?

By isolating and testing out different parts of your saxophone, you’ll soon be able to identify the problem. Some solutions are easy to fix at home, such as sticky keys and a misshapen octave key, while others will require the attention of an instrument repair specialist. Either way, your sax will be playing properly in no time!

What key should I play C on saxophone?

The note C is exactly one whole step up from the note Bb so whatever concert key your piano or guitar player friends are playing in you need to be one whole tone higher – they’re in A so you need to play in B. If they’re in E you need to play in F#. If an Eb saxophone such as the alto or bari, plays it’s written C it sounds Eb on the piano.

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How many notes lower is alto sax than tenor?

Hi Rainer, you should take into account the octave too. The Alto Sax plays 9 notes lower and the Tenor 14 notes lower than concert. As there are 12 notes to an octave that is Bb below C, plus and octave for the Tenor.