
What is interlock in marine diesel engine?

What is interlock in marine diesel engine?

Interlocks are the blocking devices which assure that the engine is started or reversed only when some conditions are met. Running direction interlock is an important interlock that restrict the injection of fuel to the engine when the telegraph does not synchronize with the running direction of the engine.

What is starting interlock?

Automatic transmissions are usually equipped with a starter interlock system. This serves the purpose that a vehicle can only be started when a selector lever, actuatable by the driver, is in neutral or parking position. The signals are then passed to the electronic transmission control system.

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Why is a blocking device interlock fitted in the remote operating valve line?

An interlock is shown in the remote operating valve line which stops the valve opening when the engine turning gear is engaged. The remote operating valve prevents the return of air which has been further compressed by the engine into the system.

What is safety interlock?

In order to safely transfer the power source from a generator (and back to the main), a safety interlock is often employed. The interlock consists of one or more switches that prevent both main power and generator power from powering the dwelling simultaneously.

What are the different starting interlocks in main engine?

Main engine interlocks

  • Turning gear Interlock. This device prevents the engine from being started if the Turning gear is engaged.
  • Running Direction Interlock.
  • Starting Air Distributor in the end position.
  • Main Lube.
  • Auxiliary Blower Interlock.
  • Air Spring pressure Interlock.

What is the heart of ship?

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propulsion engine
A ship’s propulsion engine is what keeps the ship going at sea. Considered as the heart of any vessel, the marine engine of the ship takes the entire load to propel the ship forward.

What should you always check before starting a diesel engine?

Check All Important Parameters: After starting the lubrication pump, check lube oil levels and all other running pump parameters such as cooling water pressure, fuel oil temp and pressure, control and starting air pressure etc. to ensure that all are in the accepted range.

What is interlock wiring?

To interconnect the motor circuit in such a way, in which the second motor will not start until the first one run likewise the third one motor will not run unless the second one run and so on. This kind of motor circuit connection is called interlocking.

What are the four different starting interlocks?

Main engine interlocks

  • Turning gear Interlock. This device prevents the engine from being started if the Turning gear is engaged.
  • Running Direction Interlock.
  • Starting Air Distributor in end position.
  • Main Lube.
  • Auxiliary Blower Interlock.
  • Air Spring pressure Interlock.