
What is it called when you graduated from high school?

What is it called when you graduated from high school?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A high school diploma is a North American academic school leaving qualification awarded upon high school graduation. The high school diploma is typically obtained after a course of study lasting four years, from grade 9 to grade 12.

Can I say I have graduated?

If you have a degree, you can say “I am a graduate” or “I have graduated”. She graduated in 1990.

What to say when you have graduated?

More formal

  • “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  • “Warmest congratulations on your graduation.”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  • “So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and so very proud of you, too!”
  • “With love and pride today and always,”
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What do you do when you graduate from high school?

Here are ten things you can do after you graduate from high school.

  1. Get a job.
  2. Do an internship.
  3. Join a service organization like AmeriCorps.
  4. Attend classes at a community college.
  5. Join the military.
  6. Start a business.
  7. Attend a trade school.
  8. Do an apprenticeship.

What is the abbreviation for high school diploma?


Acronym Definition
HSDG High School Diploma Graduate (also seen as High School Degree Graduate)
HSDG Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft Kg (Hamburg South American Steamship Corporation)
HSDG High School Degree Graduate (also seen as High School Diploma Graduate)
HSDG Human Systems Development Group

How do you say I’m graduated?

The correct phrase is “I was graduated,” or “I have been graduated” because it is the school that graduates you – you do not perform the action of graduating.

How do you use graduate?

Examples of graduate in a Sentence Verb He graduated from the university last June. They both graduated with honors. She graduated with a degree in history. He joined the navy after graduating from high school.

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What is the abbreviation for a diploma?

Key to abbreviations used below
diploma post baccalaureate diploma
EdD Doctor of Education
extended minor extended minor
graduate diploma graduate diploma

How do you abbreviate high school?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia….

Acronym Definition
HS High School
HS Human Services
HS Significant wave height
HS Home School

Is it graduated from high school or graduated from school?

In proper English, it should be “graduate from.” Actually, the school graduates you, so it should be “I was graduated from high school.” To graduate is successfully complete an academic course—in this case, high school. In formal English, it is “graduated from high school”.

What do you say to someone who just graduated high school?

Graduating high school was only half the battle. Keep working hard and all the good things will keep coming your way. Congratulations! Now that you’ve graduated, keep up the good work and continue to strive for excellence. Congrats! A high school grad has accomplished so much…but they still have so much more to come.

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Is “I graduated high school” correct grammar?

Depends who you talk to, but proper grammar wise “I graduated high school” would be correct English. Each phrase needs a noun, verb then an adjective. Not all the time in that order but most commonly that is the correct order of how words are phrased in English.

How do you use the word graduate in a sentence?

“I graduated from college” is the most accepted use of graduate in this context. You can also say “I graduated college” or “I was graduated from college.”.