
What is it like studying in China?

What is it like studying in China?

In China, students are expected to stick to their timetable and attend every class. Good manners are important and it’s traditional to raise your hand to answer questions – one benefit of this is that teachers never randomly ask you anything! However, professors also promote and avidly participate in class discussions.

Can international students work in China while studying?

Traditionally in China, international students have been unable to work during their studies, and people have been unable to get a visa to work in China without at least two years of post-study work experience overseas, making it impossible for international students to transition to a working visa at the completion of …

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Is it a good choice to study in China?

Studying abroad in China provides opportunities for international students to view things from the Chinese perspective. China has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations for international students because of its long history and rich culture.

How much do Chinese students earn?

Legally you can do work 20 hours in a week. you may get your salary 1000-5000 rmb per month to base on work.

How many foreign students are studying in China?

442,773 foreign students
China’s Ministry of Education’s latest statistics showed that 442,773 foreign students studied in universities across the mainland in 2016, with the top five countries in terms of student source being South Korea, United States, Thailand, Pakistan and India.

What is the most popular subject in China?

Below is a list of the top most popular subjects in China.

  1. Clinical Medicine.
  2. International Economics and Trade.
  3. Computer Science and Technology.
  4. Business Administration.
  5. Chinese Language and Literature.
  6. Civil Engineering.
  7. Mechanical Engineering.
  8. Architecture.