
What is meant by fluid continuum?

What is meant by fluid continuum?

Fluid Mechanics is a subdiscipline of Continuum Mechanics which focuses on the behaviour of fluids which include liquids and gases. Important examples for our everyday lives are water and air. Beautiful photos of fluids in motion can be found in the Physics of Fluid gallery.

Why is fluid a continuum?

A fluid may be represented by a continuum, if the associated molecular mean free path, λ, is small compared to a typical length scale, L, of the problem. The mean free path is the mean distance traveled by a molecule of the fluid between collisions with other molecules.

What is continuum system?

Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical behavior of materials modeled as a continuous mass rather than as discrete particles. The French mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy was the first to formulate such models in the 19th century.

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What is a continuum medium?

A continuum, or continuous medium, is a region defined in space where various properties, such as temperature, pressure, density, and velocity, may vary in a continuous manner. introducing a second change in velocity with the continuation in cooling and crystallization.

What is the concept of fluid?

fluid, any liquid or gas or generally any material that cannot sustain a tangential, or shearing, force when at rest and that undergoes a continuous change in shape when subjected to such a stress.

What are the 3 properties of a fluid?

There are three physical properties of fluids that are particularly important: density, viscosity, and surface tension. Each of these will be defined and viewed briefly in terms of molecular concepts, and their dimensions will be examined in terms of mass, length, and time (M, L, and T).

What is types of fluid?

The Types of Fluids are:

  • Ideal Fluid. An ideal fluid is incompressible and it is an imaginary fluid that doesn’t exist in reality.
  • Ideal plastic Fluid.
  • Real Fluid.
  • Newtonian Fluid.
  • Non-Newtonian Fluid.
  • Incompressible Fluid.
  • Compressible Fluid.
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What are the classifications of fluid?


  • Ideal fluid: A fluid, which is incompressible and having no viscosity, is known as an ideal fluid.
  • Real fluid:
  • Newtonian fluid:
  • Non Newtonian fluid:
  • Ideal plastic fluid:
  • Incompressible fluid:
  • Compressible fluid: