
What is NetBIOS and why is it so important?

What is NetBIOS and why is it so important?

NetBIOS provides communication services on local networks. It uses a software protocol called NetBIOS Frames that allows applications and computers on a local area network to communicate with network hardware and to transmit data across the network.

Should I disable NetBIOS?

There are many security concerns with NetBIOS; and disabling its support on your network and devices is strongly recommended. Disabling the use and support of NetBIOS can help to mitigate an attacker’s ability to: poison and spoof responses, obtain a user’s hashed credentials, inspect web traffic, etc.

What is NetBIOS with example?

Every computer running the Windows operating system with networking capabilities also has a NetBIOS name. For example, if the DNS domain name is, the NetBIOS domain name is contoso. If the DNS domain name is, the NetBIOS domain name is corp.

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How does NetBIOS name service work?

The NetBIOS naming server standard is an open standard controlled by RFC 1001 and RFC 1002. Each computer contacts the WINS server upon startup and provides the computer’s IP address, as well as its name. It stores this information into a database that may be replicated with other WINS servers.

What does NetBIOS SSN do?

NetBIOS Session Service (NBSS) is a protocol to connect two computers to transmit heavy data traffic. It is mostly used for printer and file services over a network.

How do I access NetBIOS?

To enable NetBIOS Over TCP/IP on Windows XP and Windows 2000:

  1. Open the Network Connections folder.
  2. Right click the local area network connection and click Properties.
  3. Double click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Click WINS.
  6. Click the Enable NetBIOS Over TCP/IP button.

Where can I find NetBIOS?

Right-click your domain in the left pane and choose the Properties menu item. Your domain’s full DNS name is the first name listed in the General tab. Domain DNS names generally contain a period. Your domain’s NetBIOS name is the pre-Windows 2000 entry in the same tab.

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What is NetBIOS domain workgroup?

NETBIOS is a service which allows communication between applications such as printer or other computer in Ethernet or token ring network via NETBIOS name. NETBIOS name is 16 digits long character assign to a computer in workgroup by WINS for name resolution of an IP address into NETBIOS name.

What is NetBIOS SSN used for?

Name: netbios-ssn
Purpose: NETBIOS Session Service
Description: TCP NetBIOS connections are made over this port, usually with Windows machines but also with any other system running Samba (SMB). These TCP connections form “NetBIOS sessions” to support connection oriented file sharing activities.
Related Ports: 137, 138, 445

How do I disable NetBIOS?

Step 1: Open control panel Step 2: Navigate to programs and features. Step 3: Click on “Turn Windows features on or off. Step 4: Disable “NetBios over TCP/IP”Step 5 : Click ok.